About Us

Message from our Founder

We seek to integrate 'amal soleh (good deeds) into our daily lives with quranic guide and empowering practices. Bismillah".

Allaa_humma innii as_aluka fi'_lal_khai_raa_ti, wa tar_kal_munka_raa_ti, wa Hubbal_masaa_kii_n(i). Wa antar fira_lii wa tar_Ha_ma_nii..
O Allah! I ask You to grant me the performance of good deeds, abandonment of bad ones, and love for the poor. And that You forgive me and have mercy upon me..

Azmi Awi

Founder, Director & Quranic Coach
+65 8437 0767

The Company

A.L.Q. SERV is Abi Luqman Quranic Services, the company, with a website named sadeeq.sg featuring sadeeq and sadeeqWorld, a new paradigm in Online Purchase with Amal(in Sadaqah), and an empowered Social Media activity into Barakah.


CREATE. ENCOURAGE. GROW. ALQSERV strive to create an environment of goodness living in an ever rising, ever techie community. And encourage spiritual growth through a mindful and caring society. The A.L.Q. abbreviation in ALQSERV, also represent ALQURAN as the spiritual guide that serves as the basis of its business activity linking its Amal effort.

ALQSERV advocates care and wellness to the less fortunate in families, schools, special needs' school and NGOs serving the community through its E-Commerce businesses and channel 7% of all sales transactions into a collection fund for its beneficiary list covering the South East Asia region.

ALQSERV also provide in-house delivery services for its e-commerce businesses among other services in graphic & web design, payment and travels to meet its beneficiaries, towards connecting all its business functions.

The Product

Its PRIMARY PRODUCT in sadeeq and sadeeqWorld represent the world activity in Online Purchasing and Social Media with a DIFFERENCE, automating goodness, socio- economics and empowerment.


GOODNESS in instilling social awareness and the need to help the less fortunate and poverty.

SOCIO-ECONOMICS in providing the interacting platform and payment gateway to channel the economic help to the social entity.

EMPOWERMENT in delivering the help through enriched Knowledge and Connectivity towards Self-Sufficient and Sustainability.

SADEEQ  = automated sadaqah e-commerce

SADEEQWORLD  = empowerment lifestyle